AGM 2021 Minutes
Held at the Alhambra on 31 October 2021, starting at 4.15pm.
1. Present: Alan Naylor, Elspeth Payne, Ann Martin, Mike Newns, Pam Newns, Pat Royall, Bobbie Stainforth, David Miller, Vaughan Ames, Roger Gook, Paul Titley, Dawn Titley, Stephen Pye, Robert Royall, Tom Rennie, John Brown, Denise Brown, Mike Bohlin, Sally Bohlin, Marie Pierre Gaudez
2. Apologies: Nicki Baker, Ian Payne
3. Minutes of AGM 2020 were approved
4. Chair's Report - this had been circulated
5. Treasurer's Report - The club's finances continue to be robust despite a very broken year, as ongoing costs are very low. Full accounts were not yet available from the auditor. The year started with a balance of £27,000, of which approximately £3000 was owed to distributors. The year ended with a balance of over £26,000, including £3000 which still has not been claimed by the distributors. The major costs were Alhambra hire and film costs. £3000 was made in ticket sales despite only a few films being shown. The three films shown so far this season have all made a profit.
6. Election of Trustees: Vaughan Ames, Tom Rennie and Ann Martin stood down as required by the constitution. Vaughan Ames, Tom Rennie, Ian Payne, David Miller, Ann Martin and Roger Gook were elected.
7. Election of Officers. The following were elected:
- Chair: Vaughan Ames
- Vice Chair: David Miller
- Treasurer: Paul Titley
- Secretary: Roger Gook
- Membership Secretary: Elspeth Payne
- Festival Co-ordinator: Ian Payne
- Webmaster: Stephen Brown
8. Election of Committee. The following were elected: Angela Jackson, Tom Rennie, Stephen Pye, Ann Martin, Mike Newns, Alan Naylor, Nicki Baker, Bobbie Stainforth.
9. Any Other Business: None