Annual General Meeting 2022
The AGM for club members will be held on Sunday 18th September at 4.30pm at the Alhambra Cinema. This will be just before the film that evening but will be a short meeting.
Whilst the present committee is happy to stand again, this is your chance if you would like to be more involved. Please do let us know if you want to or if you would like to know more about what is involved.
Sunday 18th September at 4.30pm at the Alhambra Cinema
- Present
- Apologies
- Minutes of AGM 2021
- Chair's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Election of Officers. The following have been proposed:
- Chair: Vaughan Ames
- Vice Chair: David Miller
- Treasurer: Paul Titley
- Secretary: Roger Gook
- Membership Secretary: Elspeth Payne
- Festival Co-ordinator: Ian Payne
- Webmaster: Stephen Brown
- Election of Committee, the following have been proposed:
- Angela Jackson
- Tom Rennie
- Stephen Pye
- Ann Martin
- Mike Newns
- Alan Naylor
- Bobbie Stainthorp
- Election of Trustees
- Any Other Business
- 2021 Minutes (for approval): view online
- Chair's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Festival Report