AGM 2020 Minutes
28th September 2020, starting at 7.00pm via Zoom
Present: Vaughan Ames, Roger Gook, Ian Payne, Paul Titley, Tom Rennie, Sylvia Rennie, Tony Marsh, Leela Marsh, Carolyn Davis, Mike Newns , Pam Newns, Stephen Brown, Robert Royall, Pat Royall, Elspeth Payne , Nicki Baker, Valerie Hallard, Marie Pierre Gaudez, Sarah Skelton, Steve Skelton, Benita Lapthorn, Ray Milner
1. Apologies: Alan Naylor
2. Minutes of AGM 2019 (PDF) – passed as a true record
3. Chair's Report – distributed on line (PDF). A vote of thanks was passed for the work on the website by Stephen Brown.
4. Treasurer's Report – distributed on line (PDF). The treasurer added that the surplus for the year was astonishing and has provided a buffer for the expected loss this year. On current projections the best outcome might be a loss of £2000, but could be £6000 at worst.
5. Festival Report (PDF) – distibuted on line. The director added that the possibility of a Festival next year is low as the reduced capacity would not enable costs to be covered. A decision would be made in December, with the possibility of a later date. Thanks were given to Ian Payne as Director and to Stephen Brown for his valuable work on social media.
6. Election of Officers - The following were elected unapposed:
- Chair: Vaughan Ames
- Vice Chair: David Miller
- Treasurer: Paul Titley
- Secretary: Roger Gook
- Membership Secretary: Elspeth Payne
- Festival Co-ordinator:Ian Payne
- Webmaster:Stephen Brown
7. Election of Committee/Trustees - The following were elected unapposed: Angela Jackson, Tom Rennie, Stephen Pye, Ann Martin, Mike Newns, Alan Naylor, Nicki Baker
8. Any Other Business:
- It was agreed not to join the Amazon Smile scheme.
- It was agreed that the Discussion Group would try meeting via Zoom.
- Thanks were given to the Alhambra for its positive actions in keeping the cinema running – and for its re-decoration.
- The documents are available on the Keswick Film Club website