Annual General Meeting 2021

We are holding the club AGM at 4.15 pm on Sunday 31 October, in the Alhambra, before the showing of Riders of Justice. It is important as always for the Club, but maybe more so than normal after a year of little activity; we need to get everything moving again. Anyone who wants to help the club in any way is welcome at any time but the AGM is a good place to put yourself forward. You can do many things, including:-

  1. Helping out at the film shows in the box office or ushering (or even learning how to operate the projection! Robert would love to get someone trained up to help)
  2. Becoming a Committee Member. Most of our discussion takes place online these days so the role is important but not onerous.
  3. With the change to our constitution when we became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation you can elect up to 15 Trustees, and this is your chance to become one if you wish.

If you are interested in any of these roles please contact us.


Sunday 31 October 4.15pm in the Alhambra Cinema

  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of AGM 2020
  4. Chair's Report
  5. Treasurer's Report
  6. Festival Report
  7. Election of Trustees
  8. The existing Trustees are Vaughan Ames, Tom Rennie, David Miller, Ian Payne, Ann Martin. Constitutionally, the first 3 of these will retire at the AGM but they are willing to stand again. We can elect up to 15 people; please make yourself known if you wish to be considered.

  9. Election of Officers. The following have been proposed:
    • Chair: Vaughan Ames
    • Vice Chair: David Miller
    • Treasurer: Paul Titley
    • Secretary: Roger Gook
    • Membership Secretary: Elspeth Payne
    • Festival Co-ordinator: Ian Payne
    • Webmaster: Stephen Brown

    Please make yourself known if you wish to be considered.

  10. Election of Committee, the following have been proposed:
    • Angela Jackson
    • Tom Rennie
    • Stephen Pye
    • Ann Martin
    • Mike Newns
    • Alan Naylor
    • Nicki Baker

    Please make yourself known if you wish to be considered.

  11. Any Other Business
