Scent of a Woman

Friday 22nd February 3pm


Scent of a Woman is a classic (even if it is a re-make of an Italian film). Like Untouchable, it is chock full of brilliant performances. At its core, one able bodied person is employed to help a cranky disabled one and both get much more than they bargained for. The film won a glut of major awards, including Al Pacino's first Oscar for Best Actor (after 7 nominations).

This is not, however, a one-man show as Pacino is ably supported by Chris O'Donnell and Philip Seymour Hoffman in an early role. Scent of A Woman is a well-crafted film delivering a wonderful blend of drama, romance and humour. By the end you realise that seldom are you taken on a journey with so much intelligence and skill.

Thanks to Universal Pictures.


“What this all boils down to is that "Scent of a Woman" is still after almost 20 years a great movie and a movie which doesn't feel in the least bit dated”

The Movie Scene
