A marriage of convenience hits its first snag when the bride removes her clothes. A story based on the first 'bearded lady' carnival acts, this tries to bring a feminist angle when Rosalie 'comes out' in the café they run. She decides to throw off the humiliation and bets a customer she can grow a better beard than him.
"Di Gusto's finest work comes when she is celebrating her protagonist's new-found freedom. The first half of the film provides depth into an argument about how judgemental we can be in regards to how we and others look... we are all different, and that should be celebrated" - Natasha Jagger, Little White Lies.
Some of the villagers are brought round to supporting her... whilst others are not...
"Di Gusto's finest work comes when she is celebrating her protagonist's new-found freedom. The first half of the film provides depth into an argument about how judgemental we can be in regards to how we and others look... we are all different, and that should be celebrated" - Natasha Jagger, Little White Lies.
Some of the villagers are brought round to supporting her... whilst others are not...
“Tereszkiewicz is a force as the title character, embodying honest and raw emotions during some difficult scenes.”
“A very watchable, offbeat slice of period drama.”