Beasts of the Southern Wild

Sunday 2nd December 5pm


This might be our movie of the season; from the moment in the trailer where 6 year-old star Quvenzhané Wallis tells her Daddy ’I’m the man’ I was hooked. 29 year old newcomer Benh Zeitlin, brings us this ‘magic realist’, post apocalyptic adventure, starring Wallis as Hushpuppy (a universally-agreed ‘star in the making’) and a bunch of other non-actors who convert the Bayou into ‘Bathtub’. A storm is coming, and with it the prehistoric Aurochs. Hushpuppy has to stay strong to survive. Whether this is ’Mad Max’ territory, or just a small child’s imagination, we’ll have to wait to find out.

‘Sometimes miraculous films come into being, made by people you've never heard of, starring unknown faces, blindsiding you with creative genius. Beasts of the Southern Wild is one of the year's best films’.- Roger Ebert. Festivals from Sundance to Cannes have agreed with him.


“This film is a remarkable creation, imagining a self-reliant community without the safety nets of the industrialized world.”

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-times

