Inspired by the real-life experiences of screenwriter Will Reiser, director Jonathan Levine's 50/50 is the story of a 27-year-old cancer patient's battle to beat the disease with the help of his friend. It has received strong reviews and – unusually for a comedy – is considered an outside bet for an Oscar nomination next year.Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the somewhat portentously named Adam Lerner, a young writer working for a National Public Radio station in Seattle, who is told out of the blue he has spinal cancer with a 50-50 chance of recovery. He gets along with a little help and hindrance from his friends, family and fellow patients, and the movie and Adam himself treat his situation with considerable humour.
Thanks to Lionsgate
Thanks to Lionsgate
“The absence of self-pity and sentimentality is something of a change”
“This is a film that does all the difficult stuff so very well”