
Sunday 20th February 5pm


This film split our reviewers and will probably not be to everyone's taste, but it felt too big to ignore: Voted as fourth best film of the year by Sight and Sound, and winner of the Jury Prize at Cannes, we decided you had to be given the chance to see it.

Don't expect a plot, but do expect a magical experience, lead by the queen of the unexpected, Tilda Swinton. She plays Jessica who hears a strange booming noise which leads her throughout the film... but to where?

"...Tilda Swinton told me that she had always considered [David Bowie] to be her spiritual 'cousin'. Like Bowie, Swinton has always possessed an uncanny ability to meld the natural and the supernatural – the down-to-earth and the out-of-this-world. That's a quality put to perfect use in the latest film from the Thai maestro Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Indefinable in terms of plot, this Cannes jury prize winner (which became Colombia's submission for the 94th Oscars this year) is a dreamlike cocktail that brings together human sensory experience, disrupted natural order, canine curses, exploding head syndrome, viral growths, ancient bones, modern machines, improvised jazz, geopolitical upheavals and the 'invisible people' of the Amazon, all tinged by 'the perfume of decay... a fermented wound'" – Mark Kermode, Guardian.

"Designed and deserving to be seen big and loud, Memoria is a hypnotic, unquantifiable, occasionally inpenetrable sonic odyssey from a unique cinematic voice" – Jake Cunningham, Empire Magazine.

So there you have it: dare you miss seeing it?


“ Weerasethakul leaves us trembling on the edge of uncertainty, providing just enough terra firma to keep the viewer engaged while leading them deeper into the realms of the unknown.”

Mark Kermode, Observer

“It's a beautiful work of cinematic concentration”

Kate Taylor, Globe And Mail

