On the Side of the Road

Sunday 28th February 10:00 AM


On the Side of the Road is an Israeli documentary film written and directed by Lia Tarachansky. The film focuses on Israeli collective denial of the events of 1948 that led to the country's independence and the Palestinian Refugee problem. It follows war veterans Tikva Honig-Parnass and Amnon Noiman as they tackle their denial of their actions in the war. The film also tells the story of its director, Tarachansky, who grew up in a settlement in the West Bank but as an adult began to realize the problems of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinians.

According to the film's director, the mass displacement of Palestinians in 1948 remains a taboo in Israeli society. In an interview with Frank Barat she said, "The strongest element of Israeli DNA is knowing what questions you cannot ask."

The film was shot over the course of five years and premiered at the First International Independent Film Festival in Tel Aviv.

Thanks to Lia Tarachansky.

With a discussion lead by Avi Levi.

Avi Levi is an ex-Israeli peace and environment activist. He completed his master MA in Peace Studies at The University Of Bradford as a Rotary Peace Fellow in 2013. Back in Israel he led a Fair Trade support project with Palestinian farmers. Avi has worked with Eitan Bronshtein, the founder of Zochrot who is one of the main characters in On the Side of the Road as a facilitator of educational workshops to Israeli and Palestinian youth in Wahat Eal Salam - Neve Shalom. Currently lives with his wife and two children in a housing cooperative in Leeds.

